Editor - Settings - Includes - Drivers

This view is designed to show everything that has to do with managing drivers, driver groups and driver managers. All these are listed so it is advisable to paginate the users.

Controller: driversSettingsEditorCtrl.

Main Models

  • drivermanagers: contains all the project driver administrators
  • drivergroups: Contains all groups of project drivers
  • drivers: contains all existing drivers in the project.

Models to filter

  • filterDriM: This model is used to filter drivers managers AngularJS filters in the view.
  • filterDriG: This model is used to filter drivers groups AngularJS filters in the view.
  • filterDri: This model is used to filter drivers AngularJS filters in the view.

Utility Functions

  • removeUser(user): This function is used to remove a user from the database. user can be a "Driver Manager" or a "driver"
  • updateUser(user): This function is used to update a user from the database. user can be a "Driver Manager" or a "driver"
  • showDriverSettings(driver): This function is used to open a modal with details, this modal can be updated or a new driver can be added. the view that opens this modal is “theme/editor/settings/drivertype-settings.html”
  • showDrivergroupSettings(drivergroup): This function is used to open a modal with the details of a group of drivers, used to update or add these. the view that opens this modal is “theme/editor/settings/drivergroup-settings.html”
  • removeDrivergroup(drivergroup): This function is to remove a drivergroup from the database.
  • showDrivermanagerSettings(drivermanager): This function opens a modal with details of a driver managers and this is used to add or update. the view that opens this modal is “theme/editor/settings/drivertype-settings.html”
  • updateDrivergroup(drivergroup): this function updates the drivergroup data.

Example of base theme

  1. filterDriM
  2. Section fo list driver manager
  3. updateUser(drivemanager)
  4. showDrivermanagerSettings(drivermanager)
  5. removeUser(drivemanager)
  6. filterDri model
  7. updateUser(driver)
  8. showDriverSettings(driver)
  9. removeUser(driver)
  10. curDriverManager
  11. filterDriG model
  12. updateDrivergroup(drivergroup)
  13. showDrivergroupSettings(drivergroup)
  14. removeDrivergroup(drivergroup)
  15. curDriverGroup