My account profile

This view contains the information of a user in 4 sections profile information, order list, saved cards and user API keys


  • orderCtrl: controller for the order section
  • cardCtrl: controller for the card section
  • keyCtrl: controller for the API keys section

Main Models

  • curTab: Useful model to section
  1. User Profile
  • `checkoutfields: It contains all the fields to compare if they are activated and are required.
  • User name
  • updateUser.lastname: User Lastname
  • User Email
  • updateUser.password: User password
  • updateUser.cellphone: User Cellphone
  • User city
  • updateUser.dropdown_option_id: User dropdown
  • updateUser.address: User Address
  • updateUser.zipcode: User Zipcode
  • updateUser.address_notes: User address notes
  • cities: It contains in an array all the cities
  • dropdownoptions: It contains the delivery areas of the selected city
  1. Orders:
  • orders: It contains an array of this user's orders
  1. Cards:
  • cards: Contains this user's cards in an array
  1. API keys
  • keys: contains in this array the API key of this user, only for administrators

Utility Functions

  1. Profile:
  • resetDropdownoption(): Updates dropdownoptions ddepending on the city that is selected
  • updateProfile(): update user profile data
  1. orders:
  • orderViewMore(order): See the details of the order
  • openModalReview(order, $event): Open A modal to add a review to the business to which the order was made.
  1. Tarjetas:
  • deleteCard(card): delete a card associated with the user
  • addNewCard(): Open a modal to add a new credit card
  1. keys:
  • add(); Create a new API key
  • delete(key): Delete an API key

Example of base theme

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