Pagination model--
For views that require listing a lot of data, it is necessary to section them, paging is used and in the controllers, some models already exist to do this, which have the following structure.
pagination = {
current: 1,
pages: 0,
items: '10',
itemsPerPage: [10,20,30,50,100] //To has a list o number of items
The paging model also interacts with the paging functions:
: Add 1 to pagination.current since this is the indicator of what page it is on.backPage()
: Subtract 1 from pagination.current since this is the indicator of which page it is on.
To show the sectiNOTE: The models have different names depending on the view but they all have the same soned data it is necessary that it be bounded in the following way:
startFrom: ((pagination.current-1)*pagination.items
for the lower limit
limitTo: drimpagination.items
for the upper limit
NOTE: The models have different names depending on the view but they all have the same structure.
Updated almost 6 years ago