Checkout Fields Model

Get allGET/checkoutfieldsGet all checkout fields.
GetGET/checkoutfields/:checkoutfield_idGet checkout field with id checkoutfield_id.
Create POST/checkoutfieldsCreate a checkout field.
Update PUT/checkoutfields/:checkoutfield_idUpdate checkout field with checkoutfield_id.
Delete DELETE/checkoutfields/:checkoutfield_idDelete checkout field with checkoutfield_id.

The checkout field model is composed of the following attributes:

namestringno, required on createThe checkout field's name.Yes
typestringno, required on createThe checkout field's type.Yes
requiredbooleanno, required on createIf the checkout field is required.Yes
enabledbooleanno, required in createIf the checkout field is active.Yes


Only the user type Administrator can create, update or remove checkout fields.