Event Rules Model

The Event Rules model has the following endpoints:

Get All Event RulesGET/event_rules
Find Event RulesGET/event_rules/:event_rule_id
Update Event RulePUT/event_rules/:event_rule_id
Create Event RulePOST/event_rules
Remove Event RuleDELETE/event_rules/:event_rule_id
Get All Event ChannelsGET/event_rules/:event_rule_id/channels
Find Event ChannelGET/event_rules/:event_rule_id/channels/:event_rule_channel_id
Create Event ChannelPOST/event_rules/:event_rule_id/channels
Update Event ChannelPUT/event_rules/:event_rule_id/channels/:event_rule_channel_id
Delete Event ChannelDELETE/event_rules/:event_rule_id/channels/:event_rule_channel_id


Event Rules info

  • Only admins can use this endpoints

The Event rule model is composed of the following attributes:

name**StringYesName of event ruleYes
description** StringNoEvent rule descriptionYes
enabledBooleanNoIdentifier to know if event rule is activated
If not provided by default is enabled
launch_typeSelectYesThe identifier to know if the rule event is a 'times' or 'date'Yes
dateDateYesRequired if 'launch_type' is set to 'date'Yes
timesArrayYesRequired if 'launch_type' is set to 'times'
This is not whereable
typeSelectYesFor now only one selection: 'abandoned_cart'Yes

The Event Rule Channels model is composed of the following attributes:

title**StringYesName of the event channel
enabled**BooleanNoIdentifier to know if event rule is activated
If not provided by default is enabled
channel**StringYesIdentifier of which channel type.

'email', 'sms', 'notification'