Extras SubOptions Model

Get allGET/business/:business_id/extras/:extra_id/options/:option_id/suboptionsGet all options with business_id, extra_id and option_id.
GetGET/business/:business_id/extras/:extra_id/options/:option_id/suboptions/:suboption_idGet option with id business_id, extra_id, option_id and suboption_id.
Create POST/business/:business_id/extras/:extra_id/options/:option_id/suboptionsCreate an option with business_id, extra_id and option_id.
Update POST/business/:business_id/extras/:extra_id/options/:option_id/suboptions/:suboption_idUpdate option with business_id, extra_id, option_id and suboption_id.
Delete DELETE/business/:business_id/extras/:extra_id/options/:option_id/suboptions/:suboption_idDelete option with business_id, extra_id, option_id and suboption_id.

The extra option suboption (product options choice) model is composed of the following attributes:

namestringno, required to create.The suboption's name.Yes
pricefloatno, required to create.The suboption's price.Yes
imagebase64 image, url image or File imagenoThe suboption's image.No
rankintegeronly to update.The suboption's order.Yes
skustringnoThe business's sku, is the printer id.Yes
maxintegernoThe suboption's max quantity.no
half_pricenumericnoThe suboption's partial price.Yes


Extra options suboption can only be created,updated or removed by user level 0 (Type: Administrator) and user level 2 (Type: Business owner).

  • User type Administrator can create,update or remove any extra option suboptions for any business.
  • User type Business owner can create,update or remove only extra option suboptions related to his business