Loyalty Levels Model

Get allGET/loyalty_levelsGet all loyalty levels.
GetGET/loyalty_levels/loyalty_level_idGet loyalty level by id.
UpdatePOST/loyalty_levels/loyalty_level_idUpdate loyalty levels.
Only admins
CreatePOST/loyalty_levelsCreate loyalty levels.
DeleteDELETE/loyalty_levels/loyalty_level_idDelete loyalty levels by id.

The loyalty level model is composed of the following attributes:

idIntegerNoIdentifier of the loyalty level
nameStringYesName of the loyalty leve
descriptionStringNoDescription of the loyalty leve
benefitsArrayNoBenefits of the loyalty level
minimum_pointsIntegerYesMinimum of points to get this level
accumulation_rateFloatNoAccumulation rate of the loyalty level
maximum_accumulation_percentageIntegerNoMaximum redemption type of the loyalty level:
1, 2
maximum_accumulation_fixedIntegerNoMaximum redemption rate of the loyalty level
expire_after_minutesIntegerNoExpire after minutes of the loyalty level
Imagebase64 image, url image or file imageNoImage of the loyalty level
created_atTimestampNoDate when the loyalty level was created
updated_atTimestampNoDate when the loyalty level was updated