What is it?
This is a feature that offers "Ordering" to replicate products in other stores, in this case through menus. It is independent in terms of "enablement" and products are also independent in certain attributes but can inherit product features from the main store.
How does it work?
After create a menu in a business it can be share by using the endpoint Edit Business Menu sending in the body the attributte 'shared' an array of businesses ids for example [1,2] with it wants to be shared. the base status of the menu is the main enable but can be changed by using Update Menu Shared and also this shared can be delete by using Delete Menu Shared and this only can be used by user level 0 or 2.
What about the product details?
Products shared by a menu can have their own details such as Price, Enabled, Inventory, Featured, Upselling and Quantity which makes it easier for each store to manage an independent inventory of these shared products. All this changes can be made by using Update Menu Shared Product