put https://apiv4.ordering.co////orders/
This API endpoint is used to update an order.
Using Ordering SDK
const response = await ordering.orders(orderId).save(changes);
Accept order by driver Company
Header x-api-key with driver_company.api_key (https://d.pr/i/IlTpPN) (Required)
external_driver_id (Required): Company driver id (Ex. Driver Uber ID) (NO RANDOM ID⚠️)
external_driver_name (Required): Company driver name
external_driver_photo (Optional): Company driver photo url
status (Required): 8 (Accept by driver)After accept an order The driver can update status to other driver status
Reject order by driver company
Header x-api-key with drivercompany.api_key (https://d.pr/i/IlTpPN) (Required)
**_status** (Required): 6