Special data types

The special data types is data that needs to have a specific structure to be able to be handled correctly in the API. For the most part, this data is in JSON, which is why this structure must be followed.


The schedules are data that is used in the businesses, menus and delivery areas. These are sent as JSON with the following structure:

  • Each object represents a day, it must have 7 days, being Sunday the first day and Saturday the last day.
  • enabled represents if that day is available.
  • lapses represents the times when the business is open, it can have several lapses for multiple time windows for that day.
  • open and close, have attributes of hour and minute, which are the hours and minutes of the opening and closing times for the lapse respectively.
  • hour is represented in 24-hour format, from 0 for 12:00 AM to 23 for 11:00 PM and minute from 0 to 59.

The full example of a business schedule

  { //sunday
    "enabled": true,
    "lapses": [
        "open": {
          "hour": 0,
          "minute": 0
        "close": {
          "hour": 12,
          "minute": 59
        "open": {
          "hour": 13,
          "minute": 0
        "close": {
          "hour": 23,
          "minute": 59
  { //monday
    "enabled": true,
    "lapses": [
        "open": {
          "hour": 0,
          "minute": 0
        "close": {
          "hour": 23,
          "minute": 59
  { //tuesday
    "enabled": true,
    "lapses": [
        "open": {
          "hour": 0,
          "minute": 0
        "close": {
          "hour": 23,
          "minute": 59
  { //wednesday
    "enabled": true,
    "lapses": [
        "open": {
          "hour": 0,
          "minute": 0
        "close": {
          "hour": 23,
          "minute": 59
  { //thursday
    "enabled": true,
    "lapses": [
        "open": {
          "hour": 0,
          "minute": 0
        "close": {
          "hour": 23,
          "minute": 59
  { //friday
    "enabled": true,
    "lapses": [
        "open": {
          "hour": 0,
          "minute": 0
        "close": {
          "hour": 23,
          "minute": 59
  { //saturday
    "enabled": true,
    "lapses": [
        "open": {
          "hour": 0,
          "minute": 0
        "close": {
          "hour": 23,
          "minute": 59

Order products

To create an order you must send the products in JSON format, they should be sent following
this structure:

    "id": 1,
    "quantity": 1,
    "comment": "Example comment",
    "ingredients": [1,2,..],
    "options": [
        "id": 1,
        "suboptions": [1,2,3...]
    "id": 1,
    "quantity": 1,
    "comment": "Example comment",
    "ingredients": [1,2,..],
    "options": [
        "id": 1,
        "suboptions": [
            id: 1,
            position: "whole",
            quantity: 1,
  • Each object represents a product, the products must belong to the business of the order.
  • id is the product identifier.
  • quantity is the quantity ordered for this product in the order.
  • comment is the comment for special requests.
  • ingredients is an array of the ingredient identifier.
  • options are the options chosen by the customer of this product.
    • id is the option identifier.
    • suboptions is an array of the suboption identifier.


  • suboptions
    now also accepts a strict JSON that contains the position of the subption (left, whole, right). the price of the middle suboption depends on 'half_price' attribute of the option.

   "comment":"With Special sauce"


The location is used in businesses, users, addresses and drivers, they are represented in JSON format with the following structure:

  "lat": 0,
  "lng": 0
  • lat is the latitude of the position.
  • lng is the longitude of the position.


The polygons is used in the delivery areas, they are represented in JSON format and have the following structure:

    "lat": 0,
    "lng": 0

For the polygon to be valid, you must have at least 3 locations



The radio is used in the delivery areas, they are represented in JSON format and have the following structure:

  "center": {
    "lat": 0,
    "lng": 0
  "radio": 10
  • center is the location of the center for the radio.
  • radio is the maximum distance from the center in kilometers.


Customers data must be sent in JSON format, this should be sent following this structure:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Demo",
    "photo": null,
    "lastname": "test1",
    "email": "superadmin@ordering.co",
    "dropdown_option_id": null,
    "address": "5th Ave, New York, NY, USA",
    "address_notes": "Special address instrution example",
    "zipcode": null,
    "cellphone": "2332223",
    "phone": "23322235546",
    "location": {
        "lat": 40.7314123,
        "lng": -73.9969848
  "map_data": {
    "library": "google"
    "place_id": "ChIJgUbEo8cfqokR5lP9_Wh_DaM"

Map data

map_data must be sent as null or object in the customer data , this should be sent following this structure:

   "library": "google",
   "place_id": "ChIJgUbEo8cfqokR5lP9_Wh_DaM"


Note: The id of the customer can be sent with a value of -1 for non-registered users